What would it be like if we arrived on earth with an operations manual? The manual would tell us how to operate, or be, to have a happy and successful life.

Have you noticed whenever you buy a piece of electronic equipment or any item that needs to be put together, an owners or operations manual is included? Sometimes the instructions can be a bit challenging to understand, but as we keep working at it everything begins to make sense. The manual tells us what to do to get the item to work in the way we want.

When we are born, the only thing that shows up is the baby. We’ve learned from our relatives and friends that we need to feed the baby, hold the baby, change it’s diaper and then by trial and error, we learn other important information about the baby that often times we wish we had known earlier.

As we grow older and decisions become more complex, it can be confusing. We may notice when we do one thing it brings us joy and other things don’t really excite us at all. Yet as we observe others, the things that bring them joy are sometimes opposite of what being us joy.

We actually do have an operations manual; it’s our thought process or our culture. From the time our Mother was in her trimester of pregnancy through the first 7 years of our life, our subconscious mind has been programed. The environment, our parents, education and religion all had an impact on this programing.

Give me a child until he is seven and I will show you the man.” That sentence is a famous saying and is attributed to St. Ignatius Loyola and also to Aristotle. Some say it is a ‘Jesuit’ saying. This quote reminds us of the powerful programing that happens in our lives by the age of 7.

Every action we take is preceded by a thought/belief. We are where we are in life as a result of those thoughts. We often feel as thought we are having a thought, making a decision or taking an action from a conscious place. What is really happening is that some subconscious programming is at work. The Axiogenics Profile is as close to an owners manual as we can get. It measures our thoughts in 36 different areas with the accuracy of a thermometer. With the information from this Profile, we are able to see how our thinking is directing our actions and decisions. You can see a summary page of the profile below.

We know,  we are all human beings  . . . we are each one of a kind, irreplaceable, totally unique, intrinsically valuable. What does it mean to be intrinsically valuable?  Your value goes on forever! Not only forever in time, it means you are valuable beyond measure. All that is necessary, is that you just be, just be yourself.

As we look at our profile we might notice, many of us don’t feel very valuable. We did something that didn’t work out the way we had planned or even worse, it did work out the way we had it planned and somebody did not like it and was critical about it.

We begin to think we are less than valuable and believe the judgment someone else delivered to us. There are likely many more ways in which our programming has influenced us to place judgement on ourselves. Those judgements become habitual. In the profile we call these biases, which if are continued to be used in making decisions, can become liabilities. When we live in our biases we are playing our B game.With our Profile, we can discover both our biases and our assets. Living in our assets allows us to play our A game.

If what you’ve read so far intrigues you, you can experience the Profile. To learn more about getting a First Steps Report, which gives you 3 of your measurements, your 2 greatest biases and 1 greatest asset.  Send an email to Judy and learn more about getting your First Steps Report. Judy@JudySabah.com.




The coaching process is a powerful conversation, between coach and client. Coaching is a partnership to facilitate the client’s forward movement. Or we could say it is how a client changes his culture. Often in a coaching conversation and relationship, shifts occur in a client’s thinking. Those shifts facilitate the client’s ability to proceed with new actions.

In my own experience, coaching since 1994, I find that I am a more capable, confident coach using the results of the Axiogenics Profile. These results help me to focus my coaching. The profile results tell me why my client does what he does, why he makes decisions in the manner he does.

With this information I know what my client’s assets/strengths are and also where his blind spots/liabilities are. I am now equipped to give feedback to the client, about how he is thinking and why his results are what they are. This kind of feedback allows for the client’s greater understanding and acceptance of himself. It also creates potential for more shifts in thinking. There is no good or bad in the profile, just a mirror of where the client has his attention at the time the profile was completed.

The profile is a result of the Science of Axiology.  Axiology is the science of value. The word ‘axiology’, is derived from two Greek roots ‘axios’ (worth or value) and ‘logos’ (logic or theory), meaning the theory of value. The development of the science makes possible the objective measurement of value as accurately as a thermometer measures heat.


The quest for a science of value originated with early Greek philosophers and culminated with the work of Dr. Robert S. Hartman. Dr. Hartman was born in Germany in 1910. Facing the inhumanity accompanying Hitler’s rise to power in pre-war Germany, he envisioned a system which could organize “good” as effectively as the Nazis organized “evil.” Dr. Hartman dedicated his life to the realization of this vision, and after years of research, created a new mathematical system which successfully orders the values of our everyday experiences.

Axiology has many benefits. It generates new knowledge about the everyday world and creates a frame of reference which provides a new way of looking at ourselves and our environment. What’s even more important is the knowledge axiology provides is objective and independent of any one observer.

Mastering a number of languages and dialects, Dr. Hartman collected instances of the meaning of “good.” He examined these instances to find out what was similar and different. He studied the theories and systems of value from Plato to our present day.

Dr. Hartman’s discovery has a multitude of applications in fields as far ranging as psychology, sociology, psychiatry, law, theology, political science, finance, and decision theory. Even though Dr. Hartman died in 1973, his work, both on a theoretical and practical level, has been carried on in the United States, parts of Europe, and Mexico. He laid the foundation for axiology, value science, and, in so doing, began a revolution in thinking which is just now beginning to emerge.

Our vulnerability arises from one of our greatest assets – our uniqueness as individuals. We see the world from our own perspective, based on what we believe is important. We pay attention to some things and leave others out. We see in different ways, using different tools. We often see the same things in different ways. Our decisions are uniquely our own and are based on our interpretations and perceptions of what we see. These interpretations can differ. They often will be different from those of others and they can also be inaccurate.

Dr. Hartman created the profile which measures the general ability to see world values and self values.


COGNITIVE Self-Leadership, however, goes way beyond all of what’s been said so far. It empowers people to overcome their self-sabotaging habits and biases while directly engaging their scientifically identified best ways of thinking at will. Cognitive Self-Leadership is anchored in a person’s most natural and powerful motivations to maximize drive and persistence. It enables people to more directly, objectively, and emotionally connect their own thoughts, choices, and actions to their aspirations, results, and performance.

The process by which we teach people to become Cognitive Self-Leaders (our Self-Leadership 1-2-3 program is based in the cutting-edge, brain-based, value-driven technology called NCRT (Neuro-axiological Cognitive Remodeling). This step-by-step approach, once learned, can also be used to develop virtually any other skills or to achieve any other goal or aspiration.

We strongly recommend that you take the time to view the video and then give yourself the opportunity to….Experience a First Steps Report. Send an email to Judy to learn more. Judy@JudySabah.com.

This “First Steps Experience” is a 1-hour (or so) coaching session based on our Self-Leadership 1-2-3 process.

This not just a “demo” or a fancy sales pitch – it’s a true coaching / training session.

You will come away from the experience with a very powerful, highly personalized set of Cognitive Self-Leadership principles and practices that you can put to immediate work in your life to help you get “unstuck” and to achieve something that is important to you. We promise, you’ve never had an experience like this before. (But you’ll probably want more of them!) Of course, it’s also an opportunity to get many of your questions answered.

Once you have this experience, you’ll understand why Cognitive Self-Leadership really is a Master Core Competency and why you’ll want to integrate this amazing methodology at the core of ALL your learning and development programs.

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